HAVEN MEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING 10-21-21 (October meeting was not held on regularly scheduled 1st Thursday of October) CALL TO ORDER by President Rick Coelho, 11:18 AM MEMBERS PRESENT; President Rick Coelho, Vice President Chuck Theisen, Treasurer Larry Rhinehart, Member At Large Mr. Glen Snider REVIEW OF SEPTEMBER MINUTES. Motion to accept Rick Coelho, second Chuck theisen, carried TREASURERS REPORT. Larry Rhinehart, expenses normal and no income. Motion to accept TR Rick Coelho, second Mr. Glen Snider, carried. OLD BUSINESS No old business discussed accept a possible December/January tourney? Discuss later? NEW BUSINESS. Larry Rhinehart brought up that AGA dues have gone up. As a result should we raise our "rates" for players we have on the HMGA roster who do not play with us, i.e., NON PLAYING MEMBER? All board members present believe we should raise those rates as follows: - A new person wanting to join our club...$100.00 - Existing member renewal,..................$ 55.00 - NON PLAYING MEMBER........................$ 55.00 ADDITIONAL NEW BUSINESS continued. HMGA Club championship in November. Individual Match Play elimination tournament. Tournament dates are Thursday's for three weeks beginning November 4th. Last round would be Wednesday, November 24th.I MOTION TO ADJOURN Rick Coelho, second Mr. Glen Snider, carried. ADJOURNED approximately 12:00PM